Welcome to WordPress and Larix theme. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Feel free to add images, galleries, videos, music … whatever you like. Just... Ansehen
this is gallery post type – we recommend usage of custom meta for gallery images selection, although you can use native WP gallery, but then more advanced controls are not... Ansehen
Multiple WP galleries are rendered in archive (or taxonomy archive) view in the same view. In the single gallery post page, image groups can be view separately. Custom meta settings... Ansehen
This is a quote post type. If you wish to have image of the quoted source – use „Featured image“ , Quote author and Quote author URL meta fields to... Ansehen
Audio post format is the best way to present your audio file. You can upload audio to your server or stream media from audio hosting and streaming service. Use the... Ansehen
Welcome to WordPress and Larix theme. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Feel free to add images, galleries, videos, music … whatever you like. Just... Ansehen
Use post format „Video“ if you are going to add video to your post. For featured video, use „Video post format settings“ custom meta box, to select video host service,... Ansehen
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